Friday, November 20, 2009

Finding lost quilty stuff...

One of the issues I have to deal with as I proceed with this re-org is what to do with all the stuff - some of it hasn't been seen in so long I forgot long ago why I had it - but some turns out to be things I have been looking for - those "I know I already have a spool of blue thread here SOMEWHERE!!!" kinds of things. 
Today I found the fabric I bought for the seats of the dining room chairs - I didn't have enough to do all four chairs - my math isn't my strongest talent, and I had bought half what I needed the first time - so I went back and bought the second half - but that second half disappeared as it came in the front door, so those seat cushions have been waiting patiently on the work table for that home dec fabric to turn up and (drum roll, please) I can now finish those seat cushions!
I'll have to figure out how to post pics when I get them done - because that will call for a major photo event in the dining room!

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